Hi, I'm Nha!

I'm a

I'm a funny Blogger - Vlogger who is passionate about all kinds of things but loves to share knowledge. Because of the passion that went into programming, then life pushed me to become an SEOer and now it takes about 7 years to work in Digital Marketing. You can call me "Nha One" or "Mãnh Tử Nha"

About me
Basic info

About me

Hi, I'm A Website Developer In Vietnam.

I have a passion for creating quality websites for my clients and are committed to the web's lifetime warranty. It is also because of this that I have to do more SEO, Design, Digital Marketing to serve that and I have learned a lot of different skills.

UI/UX Design
Digital Marketing
Web Development

Projects work


Happy clients


Cup coffee


Timely Delivery

My services

What I do

With more than 15 years of experience in programming and marketing and more than 3 years as a mentor, I am ready beside you to do the following services.

I Have Done Very Well

Web Development

I have a Passion for Creating Clean, Beautiful, Interactive, Minimalistic, Responsive and User Friendly UI, developed using modular, extensible and functional code. All my web projects are covered by a lifetime warranty.


Everyone thinks that SEO is something very difficult, but with me, SEO is an art and SEO-ers are artists. That's true, I love this when doing SEO projects, it's more than passion. And I will help your SEO project be a great success.

Online Support

If you have difficulty in developing websites, implementing SEO projects, running online advertising campaigns or having problems using online IT-related tools. Especially if you need a mentor, please call me immediately.

Recent post

My Latest Blog

With the desire to share my experiences with everyone to help people not have to waste time experiencing similar situations. I regularly write posts about experiences in work as well as in life.

What can my latest blog?

Bài học cho tình bạn

Bài học cho tình bạn

Chú bé im lặng, thả con sò về lại với lòng biển xanh bao la mà không nói lời nào...Chú còn mải suy nghĩ về những điều con sò nhỏ nói.

Bí quyết 90/10

Bí quyết 90/10

Bí quyết đó là gì? 10% cuộc đời là những gì xảy ra với bạn. 90% cuộc đời là do những phản ứng của bạn đối với những chuyện xảy ra đó.

Bài học về sự tự cao

Bài học về sự tự cao

Nhiều người trong chúng ta không ý thức được việc chúng ta tự đề cao mình quá khiến những người xung quanh cảm thấy bạn đang khoa trương và tự quảng cáo cho mình. Tự cao chính là nguyên nhân dẫn đến thất bại và những quyết định sai lầm không gì cứu vãn được. Câu chuyện về thiên lý mã sau đây sẽ giúp bạn hiểu thêm về bài học này.

Coffee coffee and coffee

Coffee sharing

Coffee is a familiar drink every morning so I can feel the whole world moving in my body. And I want to share what I know with you today.

Coffee now


  • Connecting
  • Sharing
  • Relaxing


  • Website
  • Technology skill
  • Digital Marketing


  • One on one
  • Private
  • Companion

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!

Get in touch

Contact me

If you're an introvert, you're shy to call me, you can chat or contact me via the form below.

Contact with me

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